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Journal électronique du LPO Jean-Moulin
15 mai 2018

The European Section in England, March 2018

La section européenne de Terminale S du lycée Jean-Moulin s’est rendue en Angleterre entre le 17 et 21 mars 2018. Le choix de ces dates correspond à la célébration par l’Université de Cambridge de la semaine de la Science. Nous avons donc emmené 28 élèves des différentes classes de Terminale S pour un périple à travers Londres et Cambridge.

Lors de la présentation du voyage, les parents, remerciés par ailleurs pour leur soutien, avaient été avertis qu’ils marcheraient « un peu » : ce fut le cas puisque plus de 60 kms ont été parcourus dans les rues de la capitale britannique et de Cambridge.

Le voyage s’est fait en avion au départ de Montpellier pour arriver à Londres sous la neige donc avec un départ différé car les conditions météorologiques étaient mauvaises sur la capitale anglaise. Une alerte météo nous avait indiqué qu’il faudrait se couvrir davantage qu’à Béziers…

Le dimanche 18 mars, nous avons fait une visite de quelques sites typiques de la ville de Londres en commençant par le marché de Camden Lock, Regent’s Park et en finissant par la National Gallery, où les élèves ont pu admirer des œuvres du pointillisme et une célèbre anamorphose.

Le soir, nous avons préparé, élèves et professeurs, un repas dans les cuisines de l’auberge de Jeunesse pour £1,85 chacun, avec entrée, plat et dessert…

Le Lundi 19 mars, petit périple jusqu’à Cambridge avec une visite du Musée d’histoire des Sciences en début d’après midi, balade dans les rues de la ville au milieu des fameux Colleges puis le soir nous avions rendez vous pour une conférence du Professeur Peter Wothers dans le Département de Chimie. Il s’agissait d’une conférence « grand Public » autour des gaz avec une heure de petites expériences riches en explosions et flashs intenses, assez en lien avec le programme vu en chimie lors des cours de la section européenne.



Le mardi 20 mars au matin, nous avons eu une visite guidée à travers le cœur historique de Londres, en commençant par le Parlement, les jardins de la Reine, Buckingham Palace, puis la relève de la garde à cheval pour finir par Trafalgar Square.

L’après midi, le temps étant un peu plus clément, nous avons parcouru les berges de la Tamise en passant par la terrasse du Modern Tate Museum pour finir par le fameux Tower Brigde.

Le soir, un dernier repas organisé ensemble à l’auberge aura finalement clôturé un voyage riche d’Histoire, de Sciences, d’Art et de marche à pied.

Un grand merci à M. Abadie pour son soutien dans la mise en œuvre, à M. Fèvre pour sa patience, son écoute et son aide lors des différentes réservations. Mais aussi aux parents qui nous ont fait confiance et nous ont toujours apporté leur soutien et pour finir aux élèves pour leur état d’esprit, leur enthousiasme, même si certains ont « découvert la souffrance » après nos marches forcées de 20 kms par jour…

Mme Fior, Teychené et M. Stortz, les organisateurs et accompagnateurs


The trip was amazing. I can only remember great moments with the European English section family ! I really loved Camden Town and the shops all more beautiful and crazier than each other. I could walk around and talk freely to English people and improve my vocabulary, speak this language more fluently. I loved the Clink, where we slept every night of our journey. There was such a family atmosphere and it helped us to get closer to each other, make new friends. Moreover, the conference in the chemistry department was very impressive. The scientist was explaining and showing chemical reactions to the audience, he seemed to be magician. If I was able to live this trip again I would jump at the chance !

Louis (TS1)

I really enjoyed this trip, I think it was very enriching, I saw and learnt a lot of things in a few days. I had already been to London and as each time I found this place amazing, but I also loved to be able to discover the famous city of Cambridge, which was new for me. I found the museum of the history of science interesting, and I also enjoyed the chemistry lecture with all the experiments, it was a great idea to go there during the science festival ! Then, in London, I particularly appreciated the streets of Camden Town, as well as the St Patrick's concert. We walked a lot, and I thought that would bother me but I actually liked it, especially since it was freezing. Finally, what I also really loved was the atmosphere at the Clink, it was very nice to cook, share the meals and be all together. I definitely think this trip should be perpetuated for future students. 

Anaëlle (TS1)

I really liked this trip because there was a familial atmosphere and it brought all of us closer to each other, especially when we had to cook dinner together or when we were left alone in the city. I also really liked walking in London because it made us discover places and neighborhoods we never knew were there. It was an enriching, that is to say an educating experience as well as a fun one and that's what made it so wonderful. Also, the way we were staying in a hostel, the Clink 78, was very nice because we were amongst other young people and we were able to meet other people as well as sticking between us. The guided tour was also rewarding and interesting because thanks to it, we learned a lot of new things about the city of London and the monuments within it, such as the fact that senators are all going to the same pub in front of the parliament and since they're all going very often, a bell was installed there to warn them when they are supposed to go vote for a new law for example. It was indeed a very nice trip that I am pleased to have been a part of.

Aurore (TS1)

The trip in London was really interesting. We made a lot of things and we have learned a lot about science and also about the city of London. I spend a good time during the discover of the whippel museum of the history of science, everything was attractive and all the objects had an history. There is things about chemistry, physical and about the science of life. On the 2nd floor everything was about the galaxy. So i'm sure that i will remember this trip à long time.

Clémence (TS1)

Three weeks ago, we were in England with the european section, and I want to tell you the atmosphere of our journey !

We arrived in London late in the saturday evening. We've discovered our youth hostel, the Clink78. It was a simple and nice place. We had two showers for the corridor, and I shared my room with seven boys! We didn't have a lot of place for ourselves but the atmospher was great. Because of our playing cards and billiard games, nights were pretty short!
We've cooked two meals with the whole group in the Clink’s kitchen, to save money. Everyone has participate to these projects and these moments were very friendly.
The relationship inside the group was good, the teachers have been listen to others, and did a wonderful work of organisation.
I think I can say in the name of all the peolpe who were there that we will keep nice memories from this trip.

Mathieu et Théo  (TS3)

Journal électronique du LPO Jean-Moulin
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